LivelyStone Ministries




 As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25


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 WELCOME to the web site of LivelyStone Ministries! We truly hope your visit is a pleasant one,

and that it won't be your last. What's more important, we hope you'll actually make a visit to

LivelyStone in person, so we can meet you, and have an opportunity to worship God together.

LivelyStone is a place where strangers become friends, and friends become family!

It is our goal to provide an atmosphere that will both challenge and enrich your walk with Christ,

while making you and your family feel right at home. You'll find that we are quite a diverse congregation,

offering a wide variety of fellowship and educational opportunities for folks from all age groups,

and all walks of life. We've prepared this informative look at LivelyStone to answer some basic questions

and introduce you to some of our ministries, outreaches, and our vision. We hope you will be blessed by

your time with us, and will consider becoming a part of our family here at LivelyStone.

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